페이지 정보

작성자 test008 작성일 24-08-17 17:32


Park Kang-ho, ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, and his wife visited the stadium and jokingly said, "Japan still won." And the word "Nani" means the international  rating is 113, so they ran in the 2,000-meter race of the Dubai World Cup. I came in fifth place and got on the same plane as Masu Yoshida who came back from Dubai. How much Masu Yoshida boasts to me while showing the video. We won the match. To be honest, objectively, the difference between Japan and Japan is quite big. The number of horse racing officials in Dubai alone showed a b ig difference. There were about 10 horse racing officials from Korea, but Japan seems to have about 30 to 40 press corps and about 100 if the officials are included.