페이지 정보

작성자 test008 작성일 24-05-31 20:08


As such, he was ahead of his time, and he had a big picture of finding alternatives and policies for the entire horse industry, and an eye for how to see the forest, not just horseback riding. He mentioned the limitations of the horse riding club's self-reliance structure, the conflict between related bills, and the pending issues of the horse riding industry, such as insurance and safety. The self-help system, the necessity of a horse industry cooperative, and the transfer of business to the private sector, which this paper advocated, were also issues that he communicated with then-Chairman Kim Ki-cheon. That's how his relationship with Chairman Kim Ki-cheon began. For him, the perception of the current problem soon led to a solution and alternative search, and now it is a reality that the entire horse industry is publicizing and unraveling the thread. And four years later, in the midst of that dream-like reality, he was elected as the new chairman of the Horse Industry Cooperative, which he advocated.